Прошел год. В Приемном отделении по-прежнему ни минуты покоя. У каждого пациента – своя боль, а Женя, Илья, Оля и Слава делают все, чтобы спасти каждого. Завтра у Жени и Ильи важный день – их свадьба. Кажется, что все препятствия, наконец, позади. Даже Степан делает вид, что смирился. Пожелать молодым «счастья» приезжает Лана. Но объяснение Ланы и Ильи заканчивается ссорой. А вскоре пострадавшую от рук маньяка Лану привозят в больницу. И, несмотря на все усилия Ильи и Жени, спасти девушку не удается. Илья считает себя виновным в трагедии и уходит от Жени. Из-за рецидива болезни Гиппократ вынужден оставить работу. На его место приходит Павел Грачев – бывший учитель Жени и ее первая любовь. Степан занимается поиском маньяка. В ход расследования активно вмешивается журналистка Вика. Но вскоре становится понятно, что она хочет помочь Илье, потому что влюблена в него. Кажется, что Женя и Илья уже не смогут быть вместе. Но они по-прежнему любят друг друга…


Being diagnosed with terminal illness prompts the stuntman Anton to take a risky step – in order to pay the mortgage and provide for his family he decides to get into stealing elite cars. During the very first heist Anton becomes a pawn in the other man’s game: the owner of an underground casino, Vyacheslav, threatening Anton’s family, makes him run all sorts of special errands. To disrupt business negotiations, to steal compromising materials, to win a complicated race… Having to live a double life and to hide the truth Anton loses his job, his friends and his family. Finally he realizes that having made a wrong choice in the first place he has no one to blame but himself. Also the fact that his “Puppet Master” Vyacheslav becomes an outlaw after his downfall and can drag Anton down with him becomes an unexpected threat. And then Anton thinks of his final stunt which will both save Vyacheslav and make himself free from debt bondage. The only question is will Anton have enough time to realize his plans or will the terminal illness stop him before?


The lack of happiness in life is especially acute during the holidays. Especially – on New Year’s Eve. Police officer Olya writes out tickets to violators, helps them to solve numerous problems and is going to celebrate the New Year in splendid isolation  –  she does not have time to arrange her personal happiness. But in these magical New Year days, fate surprisingly often brings her to the ambulance paramedic Misha, with whom Olya has much more in common than it seems at first glance …


The employee of the Investigative Committee of Russian Federation Anastasia Zorina, during the investigation of a sensational case, applies to outside expert – Cyril Lemke. He is a pathologist and a professor of pathological anatomy, and he is a junior research scientist at the Laboratory of tissue regeneration, in one Moscow Institute. After a successful finishing the RF IC case he decides to create a special investigative expert group ‘Academia’, which will include esearch associates from various faculties of this Institute – Physics, Chemistry, Biology…
Anastasia Zorina is assigned the Department Curator. It won’t be easy for a young Curator to keep in hands Lemke and a company of scientists for whom the search of the truth and the result is always more important than the letter of the law. Especially because she likes Cyril, but he is married…
But it’s worth it – The most mysterious crimes will be disclosed thanks to free and unconventional thinking of the ‘Academia’ team members.


The life of surgeon Evgeniya Koroleva seemed to be just good until once a new Moscow manager Ilya Sokolov was sent to the hospital she works in. The new chief starts bringing new orders to office, and it becomes not easy for Evgeniya to find a common language with him.
Despite the conflict, Evgeniya and Ilya are compelled to work side by side, together saving patients’ lives.
They don’t notice how gradually hostility between them is replaced by sympathy, and even by deep feelings later.


На что вы готовы пойти ради своей мечты? А если это мечта строить дома и работать в самом престижном архитектурном бюро Москвы? А если начальник прекрасный, амбициозный сноб с каменным сердцем, категорически не берущим на работу женщин? А что если вы молодая, красивая, амбициозная и женщина?! Перед такой статистикой оказалась героиня Саша… и решила действовать. Проблему пола может помочь решить маскарад и короткая стрижка, но что делать, если сердце начинает вздрагивать при виде некогда ненавистного сноба-начальника?


Former soldier Shamanov arrives to a small town to meet his old friend but accidentally finds out that the locals live in fear for their lives. He can’t stand apart and decides to oppose the vicious authorities of the town…



What will happen if during agents penetration of a criminal group one of the agents falls in love with its leader’s daughter?


Перед самым обыкновенным Новым годом в самой обыкновенной семье Шишкиных, которая живет в самом обыкновенном маленьком городе, жизнь идет своим чередом.  Но когда в город приезжает молодой обаятельный мошенник Гарик – начинается настоящий Новогодний переполох.


World War II. Arina and Zoya are two young secret agents who act behind enemy lines in Riga, Crimea, Poland and Germany. They cooperate with partisans and fight their enemies.
They are fearless, smart and strong and always escape the danger…