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This is a story of female friendship represented by officers of the criminal investigation Irina Galko and Yulia Gamayun. Women’s intuition, penetration and empathy (popularly – sympathy)assist in investigating murders, but professional skills paradoxically do not help them at all in their personal lives: Irina is chasing the mythical mistress of her husband who actually left, trying to protect his underground drug business, and Yulia did not myopically discern that her married lover-colleague cheated not only on his wife, but also on her, and now she is suspected of attempted murder. Raking up the mess in their personal lives, they are forced to fulfill their direct responsibilities – to solve cases in their native Yaroslavl.


Лена, ухоженная красотка, вместе со своим богатым мужем путешествует по Волге на собственной яхте.  Им приходится встать на вынужденный ремонт в городе Заволжске – полетела электропроводка. муж сходит на берег в поисках  приключений, а Лена сталкивается с шокирующей российской действительностью в лице электрика Димы (под сорок, вдовец с тремя детьми). Раздраженная  Лена срывает злость на Диме, и в итоге выталкивает его с яхты, не заплатив ни копейки.  Поздно ночью она сама случайно падает за борт, пьяный муж этого не замечает, командуя «полный вперед» – после крупной ссоры он уверен, что Лена отправилась домой.
На следующий день Дима встречает в городской больнице Заволжска Лену с полной амнезией, которая тем не менее, качает права и скандалит с персоналом. Дима решает проучить эту дамочку. Он объявляет Лену своей женой и привозит ее домой. Если она считает себя хозяйкой жизни, пусть поработает хозяйкой у него на кухне. За те несколько дней, что она проведет в этом шумном доме, Лене предстоит научиться готовить и убираться, найти общий язык с младшими детьми, стать хорошей подругой для «дочери»-подростка. А главное – почувствовать себя частью большой семьи и встретить настоящую любовь в лице Димы – электрика, который так зло над ней пошутил…


Katerina still lives with her parents. Her husband hopes to get her back. However, Katerina is still thinking about Anton and wants to talk to him. But Anton continues to avoid her. He is against relations with a married woman.

In the fitness club, thefts became more and more often. Only instructor Alexandra knows who is behind it. Alexandra didn’t like Katerina from day one. The more successful Katerina became, the stronger Alexandra’s hatred grew. On finding the right moment, she accuses Katerina of the thefts. Katerina is fired from the club. However, the last two months changed Katerina not only externally but internally too. Her self-confidence and sports determination are back. Besides, she has friends now. With their help, Katerina manages to prove her innocence. She returns to the club as a full-fledged instructor. Katerina realized that in the course of her marriage, she and Kirill grew apart and they are not close people anymore. It makes no sense to keep the family without love. Their daughter will be the first to feel false emotions. They may be good parents even when not living together – they have already proved it. Katerina and Kirill break up. For the first time in many years, Katerina allows herself to be happy. Plucking up her courage, she invites Anton for a sincere talk. She confesses her love and he confesses that it’s mutual.


After 12 years of a happy marriage, Katerina finds out that her husband is unfaithful to her. He explains his affair by the fact that during the years of their life together, Katerina, a champion of Russia in tennis and a beauty, turned into a dull housewife and lost her past attractiveness. Katerina is crushed and humiliated, as she had sacrificed her career in sports for the sake of her husband and daughter. Katerina and her daughter go to stay at her parents’. She hopes to return her husband’s love, but she is sure for that that, she needs to put herself in order and lose weight. 

To achieve her goal and also to earn for the living, Katerina tries to get a job of a fitness instructor in a fitness club where her only girlfriend Svetlana works. At the interview, Katerina convinces the manager to hire her for a trial period as a trainee. Now, our heroine has two months to prove to herself and the others that she is worthy of something. Her news life brings not only challenges but new friends too.


“Paradise corner” is a peaceful place for the wealthy. Vera, a young girl from Belarus, gets a job in one of the mansions as a housekeeper. In fact, her real target is to find her missing friend Lesya, who left six months ago to work here. At first, it seems impossible for Vera that someone could harm her friend in this quiet and cozy place. But soon she realizes – behind each of the fences is a mystery, sufficient enough to take her friends life…


Moscow, 1966. Young soviet football celebrity Valery Gusko was charged with murder. Every evidence is testifying against him. The last hope is accidental witness, the amateur photographer Kostya Lopushinsky. Kostya and Valera were playing in the same youth team with Kostya’s father as trainer. Now for the sake of worrying for his trainee father Kostya decides to assist investigation. As stool pigeon he joins then unknown world of Moscow spivs and high society.


The protagonist of our story,  Dr.Tyrsa , is absolutely convinced that an adult, intelligent person has the right to choose and is free to control his own fate. He does not believe in “higher meanings” and the existence of “someone there in heaven” who would have the right to decide, dictate, and even more so measure: whom, how much and how to live on this Earth. Man is the master of his life, and his firm and balanced decision regarding his own fate requires respect.


1961.  A  small  town  Strunyevo  behind  101-st  kilometer.  In  contrast  to  the neighboring cities and villages, the crimes here do not happen often, but   – crime disclosing is  one  of the  best in the USSR. But while investigating the  death  of a school teacher operative Rodion Stotskii discovers that Strunevo –  is  ‘the house, where is  no  shit’,  and the  hosts in this  house  are  “trusties”  and  “thieves in law” who  chose this  small town  after the  amnesty. And the majority  of  robberies  and 
armed assaults in the neighboring cities and villages – most likely  is the handiwork of the peaceful Strunёvo inhabitants.


The Second World War. The Soviet leadership gets to know that the German concern “Auerge” is developing atomic weapons. In “Auerge” works a physical scientist Katherine Stuhr – a Polish woman, who visited a German concentration camp. She has not realized yet the whole danger of their scientific research, she is panically frightened of the Gestapo and dreams to escape somewhere where nothing will threaten her. Her dream can come true with the help of Vlad Volnyi, who had been recruited by Soviet secret services, he was given the task to kidnap an employee the “Auerge” concern and deliver it to Moscow…


Thoroughly planned life of 30-year-old Elena collapses when Andrew leaves her instead of making a marriage offer she’s been waiting for so long. Lena invents a new plan: she wants to get her ideal Andrew back making him jealous by using a fake ‘boyfriend’ – Roman, a brave climber. The bargain is complicated with the fact that these two hate each other. Their attempts of showing true-to-life relations before Andrew’s eyes lead to unexpected results…